Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 9

They had been together since just after she dyed her hair red that morning. She was looking pretty good as a redhead if this narrator may say so herself. They hung out with her family, played the piano and guitar *swoon*. Since they had missed going to Frozen the day before, they had decided to go today. The movie wasn't for a little bit so they had some time to kill.

They took Rocket on a walk through the neighborhoods for a while.

Freak, this is awesome. I am so at peace right now. I could do this forever. I've never felt very strongly about having a dog when I am older but this right here makes me think otherwise...I could do this forever.

They walked and talked or walked in silence. It was chilly, but not too bad. Rocket weaved back and forth, marking everything he could. He may have even gotten someone's shoe. Rocket was never a very good walking dog. Occasionally he would wind himself up in the leash or wrap it around her legs. But it was great.

"I didn't really have any idea why I was supposed to come back home up until now. I think I might have an idea now."

"Oh?" she asked.

"Yeah, things are sort of becoming clearer."

"Why do you think?" she asked although she was pretty sure she knew the answer since she had been thinking the same thing for some time now.

"I'll let you figure it out," he replied.

shutupShutUpSHUTUP. This is totally what I have been thinking, but then I was like, "no. stop flattering yourself." but then I was like, "HA! who am I kidding?" But like if that is what he is thinking too....Holy crap holy crap holy crap

"I just have no idea what it could be," she feigned ignorance.

"I'll give you some time to figure it out."

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