Monday, February 10, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 6b


  No. No no no no no, not again. Please start. 

*Click, click, click*

He was surprised when she only laughed at the fact that the truck was dead and they were the only car in the massive, now dark parking lot that was once filled with people and activity. Despite his worry and fear, she was calm and even thought it was funny. She had, in that short moment, taught him not to cry over spilt milk, but rather to live with cheer and hope and she certainly lived up to their first four texts:

"Hey there. How are ya? =)"
"Pretty good. And yourself?"
"Not too bad, thanks. So I feel like a complete creep, sorry if this is weird for you haha. Whacha got going between now and school?"
"Haha dont worry. No judgments. I'm going to bear lake next week but then I don't have anything until the 8thish when i leave back to wyoming"

"Alright...  do you know how to compression start a  car?"

"Hah, no."

"No worries. So I am going to push the truck while you sit in the driver's seat. Put it in gear with your foot on the clutch and when I say go just let your foot off the clutch and if it starts push it back down.. okay?"


Yeah, she is the coolest person I have ever met. Prissy girls aren't any fun. This is rad.

"Welp, wanna take a walk?"

"Hah, yeah."

They went searching for someone who could give them a jump, but for a while the only potential help they could have received flew by them in the form of a bus, not even slowing to notice them. It didn't matter though. They just used the time they had to be alone together to talk and joke and though they were stuck on top of a mountain, it felt like home.

This should be awkward... but it's not. I feel like I am with my best friend right now and this is just another ridiculous adventure. No judgement or expectation or assumptions. It's just pure contentment and... nah.

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