"Ahhhh I am so excited! It's sooo good."
As they watched he couldn't help but be baffled at the many, many similarities between their newly discovered(or rediscovered anyway) relationship and the movie. It seemed that every five minutes they would laugh and look at each other like "What the??? Did you know they made a movie about us?" It was probably the most interesting movie he had ever seen because he felt like it was somehow pointed right at them.
I have never felt so comfortable with a person in my life and it's not just because of these awesome seats either. They should really upgrade the movie theater seats in Bountiful. I suppose it wouldn't matter though, just as long she is there. Who cares about the seats. Alls I need is her there and I'd be down to watch a movie in church bench...mmm I mean maybe that would suck a little bit, but it would suck significantly less being with her. Probably almost wouldn't even notice.
When she leaned over and whispered "Remember when I didn't know you... yesterday?" He actually didn't. It felt so normal to be with her that he just acted like they had known each other forever. Remembering back only 34 hours felt more like looking back... well years.
When the movie got to the part about a true loves kiss, he thought "That's my que" and went for it. They laughed, then gaged a little bit from being so cute and he felt pretty cool, and really happy.
Whhaahahahaaaat did I just do? Hahahah this is too good man. I can't wait until we're....... what the?
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