Thursday, March 20, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - What are you?

We have been called crazy...

We have been called annoying...

                                                                             We have been called disgusting...
And funny...

And cool...

And cute...

And weird...

And fun...

Whatever we are, I am just glad that we ARE and that we ARE whatever we are together.

#GAG #Muhbestfriend

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 11b

As he sat in church that day he wondered what it would be like to be sitting there with her.


"Well, we're good on my end!"

Oh man. Thought we were going to wait a little bit to say anything. Oh well! Don't have that to worry about now! Freaking.. wonder how that went over. 

"I will tell them after church"

When they arrived home they all gathered in his parents room.

"So, I have something to tell you guys."

They looked at him and waited

"Uhhhh... Yeah. Kylee and I are actually dating haha." he said with a smile

"Oh wow. When did you decide that?"

"Hah... the first night."


"Hey love. So how'd it go?"

"Haha my siblings rock. I love them. They totally stood up for us!"

"Nice! That's definitely good! I love your siblings"

Oh shoot. That means there needed to be something to stand up for...Oh shoot.

"Yeah, but after we talked my mom said they were just giving me a hard time and they really didn't care that much."


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 11

Since they were all starting school the next week, her family decided to go to The Little America for brunch on Sunday. (Ha, Sunday Brunch with the family - so sophisticated).

She was looking for a good opportunity to casually mention that they decided they were dating and going to do long distance.

Do I just throw it in there? Like this, "I am so excited to eat! We decided we are going to date and do long distance for the next year of our lives. I think I will eat the crepes first!" OR do I wait for it to come up...?

"So what's up with you guys?" her dad asked casually.

Guess that answers that question...

"So...." Just say it! Just say it! "....yeah"

She looked at one of her little sisters in the backseat since she had told her yesterday. Her sister shrugged her shoulders...

"Well yeah, so....we are dating." She cringed waiting for the reaction.

"WHAT?! WHY?! You don't even know him!"

Well this is going pretty much how I expected. That's comforting.

" mmhmmm."

Her siblings piped up with, "It's not that big of a deal" and "I'm pretty sure they've spent enough time together in the last two days that they have some idea." She was so thankful she didn't have to go up against them.

They discussed it for a few minutes more and then got to the restaurant. As they sat down, her mother said to her, "You know were are just giving you a hard time. We don't really care one way or another."

That was a great sign...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 10b

"Ahhhh I am so excited! It's sooo good."

As they watched he couldn't help but be baffled at the many, many similarities between their newly discovered(or rediscovered anyway) relationship and the movie. It seemed that every five minutes they would laugh and look at each other like "What the??? Did you know they made a movie about us?" It was probably the most interesting movie he had ever seen because he felt like it was somehow pointed right at them.

I have never felt so comfortable with a person in my life and it's not just because of these awesome seats either. They should really upgrade the movie theater seats in Bountiful. I suppose it wouldn't matter though, just as long she is there. Who cares about the seats. Alls I need is her there and I'd be down to watch a movie in church bench...mmm I mean maybe that would suck a little bit, but it would suck significantly less being with her. Probably almost wouldn't even notice. 

When she leaned over and whispered "Remember when I didn't know you... yesterday?" He actually didn't. It felt so normal to be with her that he just acted like they had known each other forever. Remembering back only 34 hours felt more like looking back... well years.

When the movie got to the part about a true loves kiss, he thought "That's my que" and went for it. They laughed, then gaged a little bit from being so cute and he felt pretty cool, and really happy.

Whhaahahahaaaat did I just do? Hahahah this is too good man. I can't wait until we're....... what the?

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 10

They were in the movie Frozen. She had already seen it once with her sister Regan before Christmas but it was so incredible she would have gone to it 16 more times.

It had been about 34 hours since they had met, but felt more like 34 lifetimes. They, thick as thieves, sat in the theater watching the movie.

Hmm...this is great. Although now that I think about it, this movie sort of points a microscope at us. The whole "You can't marry someone you just met" thing...I mean, we aint getting married, but we did decide last night we were going to date and do long distance. Same difference really....awkward...and his name is Kristoff....coincidence? I think not....HA!

She tried her best not to sing along to all of the songs she already knew by heart, but failed at some points.

Ugh I hate people like me in the theater. SHUT UP ALREADY. This is probably the first time these people have seen this movie so let them enjoy it you waif! ...I need to stop using the word waif...

Ana was saying, "I got engaged but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him..." and they had a good little chuckle. 

She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Remember when I didn't know you....yesterday?" They laughed.

It came to the part in the movie where the grandpa troll tells Kristoff that only an act of true love will thaw Ana's frozen heart. Kristoff then says he needs to get her back to Prince Hans and Olaf asks why but realizes Kristoff is thinking of "a true love's kiss!"

At "true love's kiss" he turned, looked at her, leaned over and kissed her.

shutupShutUpSHUTUP. Who is this guy? Is he for real? That just happened. *Gag from the immense amount of cheese* *Swoon* the the the movie....what the??? HA! That just happened! This guy's great!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 9b

"Hey... guess what?"


"Hah... we are soulless mates."

"Pffffff goooood one."

He always told his friends growing up that he would never be attracted to a red head despite the fact that he was one. It just seemed wrong to him. Not that there was anything wrong with red heads, it just didn't click with him. Well... until he saw her.

"I was thinking we could take Rocket on a walk."

"Sweet, let's do it."

The walk felt surreal. He couldn't believe where he was and what he was doing and how it all felt. It felt like fact. It just was. There was nothing about it that wasn't exactly how it was supposed to be.

Yup, this is 'bout as perfect as it gets! It's almost like this already happened.. we just needed to do it... wait what?

As they walked he began to accept the answer to his constant prayer - why he needed to come home.

I wonder what she'd say if...

"I didn't really have any idea why I was supposed to come back home up until now. I think I might have an idea now" He said.

"Oh?" she asked.

"Yeah, things are sort of becoming clearer."

"Why do you think?" She said as she smiled.

"I'll let you figure it out," he replied, too smiling. 

"I just have no idea what it could be"

Hah...Glad we understand each other.

"I'll give you some time to figure it out."

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 9

They had been together since just after she dyed her hair red that morning. She was looking pretty good as a redhead if this narrator may say so herself. They hung out with her family, played the piano and guitar *swoon*. Since they had missed going to Frozen the day before, they had decided to go today. The movie wasn't for a little bit so they had some time to kill.

They took Rocket on a walk through the neighborhoods for a while.

Freak, this is awesome. I am so at peace right now. I could do this forever. I've never felt very strongly about having a dog when I am older but this right here makes me think otherwise...I could do this forever.

They walked and talked or walked in silence. It was chilly, but not too bad. Rocket weaved back and forth, marking everything he could. He may have even gotten someone's shoe. Rocket was never a very good walking dog. Occasionally he would wind himself up in the leash or wrap it around her legs. But it was great.

"I didn't really have any idea why I was supposed to come back home up until now. I think I might have an idea now."

"Oh?" she asked.

"Yeah, things are sort of becoming clearer."

"Why do you think?" she asked although she was pretty sure she knew the answer since she had been thinking the same thing for some time now.

"I'll let you figure it out," he replied.

shutupShutUpSHUTUP. This is totally what I have been thinking, but then I was like, "no. stop flattering yourself." but then I was like, "HA! who am I kidding?" But like if that is what he is thinking too....Holy crap holy crap holy crap

"I just have no idea what it could be," she feigned ignorance.

"I'll give you some time to figure it out."

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 8 and 8b

"Well, I'm pretty sure we missed the movie..."

They were going to go see Frozen but after talking with Regan for so long after snowboarding they had missed the start. She didn't really care. She (they) smelled really bad and she really didn't want to leave the house again. She was exhausted from her first ever snowboarding experience, but she also didn't want him to leave.

"We can just go check what we have and watch something in the theater."

Though they had missed the showtime they had originally planned on, he really wanted to go despite her offer to stay and watch a movie at her house.

"What was that movie you loved? The one you said you could watch over and over again?"

"OOH! Minority Report! Let's watch that one!"

They went to the theater and found it in the "M" section of her DVD collection. (Yes, she alphabetized her family's DVDs.) She told him to make himself comfortable on one of the many couches and love sacs in the room.

Once the movie had started the inevitable happened and one minute at a time, he ended up a few inches closer to where she was sitting on the couch five feet behind him. It seemed to be the greatest distance he had ever travelled.

What am I doing.. what in the heck am I doing. This. Is. Nuts. You only just met her man, take it slow. 

He pressed on anyway, feeling wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove, hoping she didn't notice the fact that he was moving closer to her.


Her sister and three friends burst in to the room where they had slowly but surely gravitated towards each other. Aspen jumped on her, giving her a huge hug and Autumn, Lindsay and Mau followed in after. They wanted to know how snowboarding went. (Or, like her mother, they were astonished that the two were still together after nearly 13 hours and wanted to see what was up). They talked for a few minutes, sharing the general happenings of the day. Lindsay and her friends told them about the camping trip they were going to take that weekend and then they left the room.

As the movie came to a close, there they sat, hand in hand. His mind was blown. Completely blown. His heart felt like it was going to blow up, too. Though it had only been 13 hours, they had been through so much together and he really cared about her. It seemed to them that this should be weird; but it wasn't. Everything about the day should have been weird and wasn't... which was weird.

They sat and talked for a while about nothing and everything (*gag*). It was perfect. They acknowledged the non-weird weirdness that had characterized the day.

"This should be weird. I should be freaked out right now. This should be weird. I don't even know what is going on."

"Remember when I didn't know you this morning?"

"Ha! This is weird. Or it should be."

It wasn't the most intelligent conversation the two had shared, but their minds were kinda blown. Then there was the fact that she kept having the same thought cross her mind...

"You've got me whipped.." he said interrupting the thought.

"Well that didn't take long," she joked.

"Remember though, I have three weeks on you."

"Oh yeah. That's weird. It will take me a while to get used to that."

Uh's that thought again...I really want to kiss him right now...

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 7b

By the time they got to her house they had pretty much decided that they weren't going to go see Frozen. Not yet anyway. They walked into her kitchen where her sister was pondering on how to quench her boredom for the night. He was very entertained, even amazed at the conversation she and her sister began to share. It was so witty, so hilarious, so fluid. Their words built upon one another into a symphonic prose and he thought it was amazing just to watch them talk.

They aren't even talking about anything important and it seems light filled. Man, this is cool. How the freak do they do that? 

He listened in fascination as if he was being taught by them and would try to throw in a comment every once in a while, but it was like an amateur trying to run with the pros. He would soon find out as he met one sibling after another that this was common fare in their home. He wanted to be like them.

Her mom and dad came in with few words spoken, stopped and looked at the four bags of trash on the floor, then at their children, then back at the bags. Her dad had picked one of them up and dangled it by his pointer finger. As they sat in silence, he felt compelled to do something about it.

"I gotcha man, I gotcha." he said as he he grabbed the bag out of her father's hand

Her sister grabbed the next one, then her mom, and he heard "race ya!" then "go go go!" and in the excitement of what was happening he began to run, only realizing that he had no idea where the garbage cans were.

"Where do I go?!"

"Go through the garage! Here, follow me!"

He thought it was pretty funny that he had just participated in a race to see who could get rid of their garbage the fastest and he chuckled to himself as they made their way downstairs.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 7

"I would definitely use a carrier pigeon over any other form of communication," she was saying to him. "How rad would that be? Or an owl like in Harry Potter. How the heck do they even do that? How do they know where to go?" She had always been baffled by carrier pigeons.

"I don't know how it works," he replied.

"Hmmm...I will have to research that cause how cool would that be?"

"Seriously! I could send you letters by bird when you go back to Wyoming."

"Haha! That would be so awesome. It would further solidify my status as the cool kid on the block." She liked the way this kid thought.

Their conversation had flowed from the serious to the funny to the ridiculous. One minute they were discussing her papa (a touchy subject amongst some) and the next carrier pigeons or owls or the movie Frozen.

"You haven't seen it yet?" She felt bad for anyone and everyone who had not seen the movie Frozen.

"No, but I hear it's pretty good."

"Good? That's an understatement. It is the best. Ever. I love it. Oh man it is so good. Like Tangled status. It is one that I would go to the movie theater again for."

"That good, huh?"


"Well then," he began, "what are you doing after snowboarding?"

Is this guy serious? It's not like we've already spent 8 hours together. That is usually more than enough time for me to piss off every around me. Why isn't he itchin' to ditch me? Welp if there was any doubt whether or not he liked me it's gone. But let's be honest here, there wasn't really any doubt...

"Let's do it," she said. "I'll check movie times on my phone."

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 6b


  No. No no no no no, not again. Please start. 

*Click, click, click*

He was surprised when she only laughed at the fact that the truck was dead and they were the only car in the massive, now dark parking lot that was once filled with people and activity. Despite his worry and fear, she was calm and even thought it was funny. She had, in that short moment, taught him not to cry over spilt milk, but rather to live with cheer and hope and she certainly lived up to their first four texts:

"Hey there. How are ya? =)"
"Pretty good. And yourself?"
"Not too bad, thanks. So I feel like a complete creep, sorry if this is weird for you haha. Whacha got going between now and school?"
"Haha dont worry. No judgments. I'm going to bear lake next week but then I don't have anything until the 8thish when i leave back to wyoming"

"Alright...  do you know how to compression start a  car?"

"Hah, no."

"No worries. So I am going to push the truck while you sit in the driver's seat. Put it in gear with your foot on the clutch and when I say go just let your foot off the clutch and if it starts push it back down.. okay?"


Yeah, she is the coolest person I have ever met. Prissy girls aren't any fun. This is rad.

"Welp, wanna take a walk?"

"Hah, yeah."

They went searching for someone who could give them a jump, but for a while the only potential help they could have received flew by them in the form of a bus, not even slowing to notice them. It didn't matter though. They just used the time they had to be alone together to talk and joke and though they were stuck on top of a mountain, it felt like home.

This should be awkward... but it's not. I feel like I am with my best friend right now and this is just another ridiculous adventure. No judgement or expectation or assumptions. It's just pure contentment and... nah.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 6

Silence. No verbal communication. Skiers and snowboarders and wind and noises of the mountain. No speaking.

Silence. I don't mind silence. I think I told him that. Hopefully he doesn't mind it either. I don't think he does. I can't feel the discomfort from him that I feel from others when I remain silent. He doesn't feel the need to fill it up. Silence doesn't need filling.

He suggested they take a break and head up to one of the lodges and see what there was. They left their snowboards down by the lift area and walked quietly, observing their surroundings, lost in thought.

They got up to one of the lodges and there were two firepits with some chairs around them. No one was seated there, probably cause it was cold and the fire didn't do a whole lot since it was windy. They sat down by one of the fires. The fires had the little decorative rocks that she had always called humitrophises. They got really hot and worked really well as hand warmers as they would soon find out.

"Are these those things you wrote about that your sister named when she was little?"

How the freak does he remember this!? It was a tiny paragraph on one of my blog posts last spring from an assignment I had to do for my Beginning Acting class....I only remember cause I wrote it. 

"Ha! Yeah! These are pretty much the same thing! Humitrophis. Haha, that's so funny." She was astonished he remembered such a small detail that she wrote. This whole thing was weird for her....or it should have been, but it wasn't...which made it weird. 

All she knew was that she felt comfortable.

I feel comfortable. It's weird isn't the kind of comfortable I feel with people I've known for a long time, but the kind of comfortable I feel with my dog. Like I know there is no judgement or expectation or assumptions. It's just pure contentment and love. Well that is a weird way to put it...You're a freak. This is weird...or it should be...but it isn't....that's weird. 

Firepits, Frozen and Flames - Part 5b

"I'll have a turkey burger with potato salad and she will have an orange with a purple gatorade"

It had been a good day full of hard work, meaningful conversation, and he felt that things really couldn't be going better. Though they had only been together three hours it felt like they had known each other far longer than that.

"So you know my parents huh?" She said it like she caught him red-handed.

"Uhhh yeah. Hah.."

Wondered when this would come up...

"That's actually kind of a relief." Hm. That's good.  "Now I don't have any awkward explaining to do! I hate it when people act like something horrible has happened in your life and they feel like they need to comfort you and feel bad for you when you feel fine about things..."

"Yeah and they act like some tragedy has happened anyway? I hate that, too."


"So you used to ride horses huh?"

This girl is legit... she rides horses, Harleys, shoots guns, captain of the la-x team... and she sees things so clearly. Wonder what she's doing after this. 

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 5

"She just cares about things that Linds and I never cared about. It's harder for her than it ever was for us."

"Like what kind of stuff? Like is she....I don't know how to ask, like more girly or something?"

"Well thats a given, haha, but that's not what I am talking about now. Like for example, when I was a senior, Linds was a sophomore and Regan was in middle school we all got our ears pierced again. Lindsay and I got our cartilage and Regan got a second hole on her ear lobe. My friends were pretty judgmental but I couldn't have cared less. They said all sorts of stupid condescending things but it did not bother me at all. Regan's friends however, were just as judgmental and probably more vocal about it. It was a lot harder for her to let that go. She is just more sensitive. She's a better person than I am for that, but it makes life harder for her."

It had basically been the best first date she had ever had. They had spent the day alternating between talking as they rode the chairlifts, snowboarding down the mountain, walking down the mountain (it took some quad strength she didn't really have), and taking short breaks and talking as they just sat on the mountain as other skiers and snowboarders passed them.

Though she had just met him officially that morning, she didn't feel it. The conversation was completely comfortable and natural. She felt at ease saying those things her mother would tell her to keep to herself on a first date. It was remarkable.

This is awesome. Seriously. What the??? I don't have to conceal all those things that I would normally conceal until we raise. This is great. I mean this conversation is actually meaningful. I usually don't have meaningful conversation until weeks in. It's only been hours. What the???

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 4b


"Oh Shhhh....!!"

He was trying to be cool by snowboarding backward and facing her as they came down the hill, but she ran right into him. They hit the ground hard and went sliding across the run.


When they finally came to a stop, they both began to laugh uncontrollably and undoubtedly received some funny looks by those who flew by them, but he didn't care. It was the hardest he had laughed in too long.

"Hahah, are you okay?"

"Pffhaha, yeah, hahaha" She managed to make out between bursts of laughter.

Ha! This should definitely be embarrassing. Why isn't this embarrassing? Man.. she is laughing like a maniac.. man.. I am laughing like a maniac. We probably look like straight up fools right now. I don't even care. This is great! 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 4

They were on the chairlift headed up to the top of the bunny hill for what seemed like the millionth run even though they had probably only been 6 or 7 times.

It was a rough first go and she fell kind of *alot*, but by the second run she figured out how to get down the hill without falling. She still had no idea whether she was goofy or regular. She started goofy like she was when she rode her longboard and wakeboard but it felt weird so she switched to regular. It felt good for a run or two but now she switched back and forth down the hill trying to figure it out. But the fact that he was there literally holding her hand didn't hurt either.

"'ve probably noticed my concentration face," she said to him referring to the face where she stuck her tongue out the left side of her mouth and curled it upward over her lip.

"Haha, yea I definitely have."

"I do it *alot*. I can't help it. I do it when wakeboarding, playing tennis, learning new chords on my ukulele, reading really intently. Pretty much any time I have to concentrate on doing something well. People will tell me I am doing it and I'll stop but will be back to doing it 45 seconds later without realizing it."

"Maybe you should just go with it and not think so hard about it," he suggested.

"Yeah maybe I'll be able to figure out which foot should go first if I stop thinking about it. Maybe both are fine and I am just that good."
There I go being all humble and stuff. Sheesh. But seriously, I have nothing to prove here. It's this guy in the hot seat. And if he has read my blog he knows how freaking crazy I am right? That is all my blog crazy on display. Clearly there's something wrong....right?....with him if it was my blog that attracted him to me.

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 3b

Awe crap... I definitely know the answer to that question.

"9, but if you had asked me that last summer I would have said 8"

Ha! I guess I didn't know the answer to that question. Interesting...

As they drove to the mountain they were mostly quiet, occasionally asking questions and making introductory conversation. He felt only a little uneasy, but pretty calm over all; He just kept hoping she felt comfortable.

Pffhaaaa yeah this is actually happening right now. I asked this girl out on her blog.. and here we are sitting in my truck. What the???

Once they got to the mountain they strapped in their front feet at the bottom of the smallest little hill they could find.

"This should be a good spot for you to gain your sea legs." he said as he held out both of his hands 

It worked out quite nicely seeing as how he was regular and she was goofy(for the time being).
They could face each other as they went down(or up) the hill and hold each others' hands..... so that she could stay on her feet 'course.

"So, we are just going to push with our back leg to the top of this hill, alright?" 

When they reached the top of the hill he told her to strap in and see if she could make it to the bottom without falling, but she seemed to struggle with her balance so he knelt down to strap her in.

Deja vu.. did I just watch this in a movie? Hmm. Oh well. 

They held hands on the way down the hill and both made it down with hardly a wobble.

She's a natural.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 3

"So how many siblings do you have?"

They were driving up the canyon to Snowbird where she would attempt snowboarding for the first time with a perfect stranger.
Awwww yeah, this couldn't get any more hilarious. I am in a car, driving to a ski resort with someone who crept on me. And we are having this great small talk. Wait, if he has been reading my blog he probably knows the answers to these questions. Why is he asking me this? Hmmm...
She had borrowed her friends snowboarding gear and was pretty excited to see how it would go.

"Uh...that might sound like a straightforward question, but it isn't. I have 9 siblings; 5 sisters and 4 brothers. But if you had asked me that last summer I would have said 8. How about you?"
Meh, maybe I should have just given the simple answer....oops

"I am an only child," he said to her.

ONLY CHILD?! Uh oh. 
"No one likes an only child."
I definitely said that out loud. Oops. Ah well. I don't have much to prove here. HA!
"I mean I couldn't tell you were an only child so that is great news for you"
...and me...

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 2b

"You did what?"

His dad said like it was the first time he had ever talked to a girl.

"Hah, yeah."

"The one whose blog you showed us?"


"Haha, dude!"

It was a tender father son moment as they high fived each other with big smiles on their faces.

"I wondered if you would." his dad said with a smirk on his face

"Yeah, so did I."

"What do you think she'll say?"

"She called me crazy, then she said she would consider it, we talked... and now we are going snowboarding next week!"


Whew, that sort of couldn't have gone smoother. I wonder what her parents think...

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 2


"Yeah", she said to her mother. 

"You are going snowboarding with the guy who asked you out on your blog last week?" 

"Yeah.....pretty much."

"Why? You don't snowboard. You don't even like skiing." Her sisters agreed with their mom. 

Pshhh, they think they know me. 
"Ok well that might be true, but I could like snowboarding. I've never been before. Maybe I am a pro and I don't even know."

"So you are going snowboarding on a first date with this kid." Her mom said it skeptically as though she had said they were going shopping for their first date.

"That is the plan," she said. 

She knew they would be astonished. Incredulous even. But whatever, it didn't bother her. She didn't even care. She thought it was brilliant. The whole thing. Completely nuts and completely brilliant.

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 1b

He came home late that night from a class where they analyzed the Book of Mormon using the "scholar's tools". It helped to bring his mind out of the orthodoxy orbit of the culture, but he mostly liked going to enjoy a meal with his friends. He had been religiously reading the blog of his new "celebrity crush"(or that's sort of how he saw her anyway) for maybe three weeks now and would wrap it all up tonight.

Jeeesh... I hope she posts again soon. This stuff is soul food.

Though they had never met, there was a comfortable and familiar vibe he felt as he read. She said "out loud" many things he always wanted to say, but was too much of a wimp to let out of his mind. He would often be confronted with the thought of asking her on a date, but thought she was way too high a caliber for him.

Who am I kidding? This girl is going to change the world. Why would I interfere with that?

And then the inner voice-feeling came: "Ask her."

"What? No! That is stupid. No."

"Yes, do it"... "I can't. Look at her... great, now look at me. I can't."... "Look, this could be a great blessing for you, what do you have to lose? There is far more to gain from this than to lose."

This self-conversation went on for a bit until he somehow became convinced that it really was worth a shot.

The worst that could happen would be my pride gets hurt a little and I could continue to happily read her blog as I had done before... right?

"Never saw it like that... maybe I'm foolish..."

He read it again, and again, and again.

"Send it"... "Ahhhhh..."..."Yes, send it."..."AHHHH!"..."Send it!"


Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 1

She woke up in the house she grew up in. Christmas break. She was home from college for a month. A glorious month before she started her last semester in Wyoming before studying abroad in Guatemala.

She didn’t feel like getting out of bed yet so she used her phone to check her email. She had heard all the who haw about not sleeping with your cell phone cause it causes cancer and stuff but she occasionally did it anyway. One new email: “New activity on the post “Relationships are like a Poker Game”. 

New activity? Who commented on that? I mean it was a cool post but…hmmm. 

I do not know this person. Ugh…if this is another freaky stranger who feels like they know me cause they read my blog I don't know what I will do. 

And that is how it began.