Friday, March 20, 2015

Line Upon Line, Page Upon Page

We had a wonderful honey moon in St. George. We will definitely make a habit of visiting the place we stayed throughout our lives.

On the way home Kylee wanted to pick up where she left off listening in the last book in the "Ender's Game" series. After a few minutes of listening, an unfamiliar(to me) name kept popping up. When I asked who "Jane" was Kylee let out a chuckling huff and said, "I mean... it has taken hundreds of pages to explain who she is. It would be kind of hard to summarize who she is." and then she proceeded to try. We talked about who Jane was and how she came into the story for a solid half hour, then made here and there comments and asked here and there questions about her for much of the rest of the trip.

On my mission I was asked to have prepared a "Short lesson plan"(3-5 minutes), "Medium lesson plan"(10-15 minutes), and a "Full lesson plan" (30-45 minutes)(Preach My Gospel Ch. 1) to present to those great Wisconsinites. I had THE HARDEST time with even a full lesson plan. I had read thousands of pages of scripture, books, blogs, etc and felt like I still was learning basics of the message God wanted me to understand. How was I supposed to summarize that in 45 minutes?

The best lessons we taught as missionaries lasted hours. Love was shown in our commitment to staying so long and people felt that. Hard to tackle questions were answered with careful explanation and on-the-spot study and prayer. These things took time. Even if we didn't get them to join our church, they had voids filled and came closer to God.

It was after these lengthy discussions, prayers, and searching that these people had faith to look at Christ and do things he wanted them to.

The gospel can't be summarized. It is infinite in scope.

"Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him; and it is impossible that man should find out all his ways. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him;"- Jacob 4:8

I am grateful for Kylee's wisdom.

I am grateful for God's Wisdom in her.

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